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St. Lucie Accident Blamed on Red-Light Runner

A driver who ran a red light caused a three-car accident in St. Lucie County. Officers report that she has been cited for the accident. One of the other drivers involved in the accident has been charged with neglecting to use a child restraint for a 10-year-old and for driving without a driver’s license, according to the TC Palm.

Four of the motorists who were involved in the accident were treated for injuries. It all happened at the intersection of Edwards Road and 25th Street near Fort Pierce.

Reports indicate a 17-year-old driver was heading north along 25th Street and ran through the light at Edwards. When she did that, she slammed into the vehicle of a 49-year-old driver. The vehicle of that second driver was thrown into another vehicle, driven by a 39-year-old man, and then flipped over. The driver who was hit by the red-light runner was cited twice. The teen driver is currently in West Palm Beach at St. Mary’s Medical Center.

Our Fort Pierce car accident attorneys understand how critical traffic control devices are. When these devices are not obeyed by drivers, accidents result. They’re not there to slow you down or to hold you up. They’re there to help traffic to flow smoothly and to help to keep motorists safe.

Red-light cameras have been in the hot seat for quite some time now. Some argue that these cameras help to prevent car accidents at intersections. Others say that they’re actually increasing the number of accidents — rear-end accidents. Some even claim that we have them only to generate cash flow for local government.

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), we need red-light cameras to help to stop the close to 700 intersection-related fatalities that the country sees each and every year. In 2010, there were another 120,000 people injured it intersections. Motorists aren’t the only ones affected either, as bicyclists, pedestrians are at high risk for injury, and even death, when passing through intersections.

According to recent studies, close to 40 percent of people say that they’ve ran a red light at least once in the last 30 days.

Officials say it’s not about the money, it’s about getting drivers to stop and to be safe! Officials say that the main objective of these devices is to serve as a deterrent — to get drivers to stop on red before citations even have to be issued! Officials also argue that these cameras can’t continue to make the money that they’re making now. As more and more drivers catch on, the number of citations will decline and therefor the money generated will eventually dwindle.

Regardless of why there are cameras and regardless of where they are, drivers are asked to be cautious at all intersections. These are some of the most dangerous spots on our roadways. Approach them with caution and keep an eye on the traffic around you. Drive defensively and alertly to avoid a potentially fatal intersection crash.

If you or someone in your family has been involved in a car accident, contact Freeman & Mallard for a free and confidential consultation to discuss your case. Call 1-800-561-7777.

More Blog Entries:

More Red-Light Cameras in Boynton Beach?, South Florida Injury Lawyers Blog, September 30, 2012

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