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Parkland Accident Decades Ago a Reminder of Teen Risks

Recently, residents in the area released balloons on the Loxahatchee Road in Parkland near the Everglades. This is the site where a car accident took the life of five teenagers about 20 years ago. According to The Miami Herald, the accident happened back in September of 1992 as three cars the teens were in were heading down Lox Road and were going to a bonfire to celebrate a birthday. The teens hooted and hollered for each other to catch up. It was a race to the celebration.

It was all fun and games until one of the teens swerved her vehicle through an S-curve on the roadway and went barreling into the Hillsboro Canal. Several cars were involved in the accident. The teens in the other vehicles rushed to her aid, but were unable to make the rescue. Three passengers made it out alive. Five were killed, all 15- and 16-years-old.

Our Parkland car accident lawyers understand that these teens will never be forgotten. These kinds of accidents leave horrifying memories in mind’s of friends and family members across the country each and every day. Car accidents continue to be the leading cause of death for teens in the United States.

At the recent tribute in Parkland, more than 50 people showed up. One of the teen’s classmates decided to organize the memorial and wanted to celebrate their lives. The informal service included the reading of poetry, giving four crosses and one Star of David a fresh coat of paint as well as a releasing of balloons.

This is an unfortunate reminder for parents, guardians, teachers and other leaders to focus in on our newly-licensed driver’s safety.

Teens and Speeding:

Teens are more likely to speed behind the wheel than any other age group of drivers. Many of them feel that they’re invincible behind the wheel and have little to no regard for highway safety. With every mile per hour you travel over the speed limit, you increase your risk for death in the event of an accident. Slow it down.

Teens and Distracted Driving:

Teens are also more likely than any other age group to engage in distractions behind the wheel, especially when a cell phone is involved. Each year, distracted driving takes the lives of thousands of people — thousands of lives that could be saved with responsible and alert driving habits.

Teens and Impaired Driving:

Every 22 minutes, someone is killed in a traffic accident. On any given weekend, there are 10 people killed in alcohol-related car accidents. Most horrible of all, a disproportionately high number of these fatalities and accidents come from the 15 to 24 age group.

Talk with your teen today. Make sure that they understand the risks that are associated with dangerous and irresponsible driving habits. Your talk could save their life. After all, you are one of the most influential people in their driving career. Make it count!

If you or someone you love has been injured or killed in a traffic accident, contact Freeman, Mallard, Gonzalez & Sharp for a free and confidential consultation to discuss your case. Call us today at 1-800-561-7777.

More Blog Entries:

Passengers: Increasing Your Teen’s Risks for an Accident, South Florida Injury Lawyers Blog, October 19, 2012

Fatal Traffic Accidents in Boca Raton and Elsewhere Often Preventable, South Florida Injury Lawyers Blog, July 2, 2012

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