If you haven’t created the habit of buckling your seat belt every time you get into the car, officials in the area suggest you start now. Local and state law enforcement officers will be on the hunt for you if you don’t.
Officials in Port St. Lucie and the surrounding areas will be working hard during this year’s “Click It or Ticket” campaign to help to keep drivers safe on our roadways. Nationwide, nearly 90 percent of drivers say they wear their seat belt. It’s that last 10 percent that’s at some serious risks for fatal car accidents in Port. St. Lucie and elsewhere.
“Between seatbelts and basic traffic education we do out here, it’s helped considerably,” said Port. St. Lucie Motor Officer Terry Russell.
Our Port St. Lucie car accident attorneys understand that officers throughout the state will be combing our roadways in search of irresponsible drivers — including those who aren’t buckled in. It’s all a part of this year’s “Click It or Ticket” campaign. Officers are looking to make our roadways as safe as possible during the launch of the summer travel season. This year’s campaign will be going on from now through the 3rd of June.
Officers in Port St. Lucie will be on the hunt for drivers who aren’t buckled up. When one is spotted in an enforcement trap, an officer will call down a few hundred yards to another officer and alert them. During the first half day of the campaign, officers in the city already snagged nearly 100 drivers. Officers though say that this isn’t just about writing tickets, according to News Channel 5.
According to Florida’s law, everyone who is under the age of 18-years-old needs to be wearing a seat belt regardless of which seat they’re sitting it. All drivers and those who are sitting in the front seat are also required to buckle up.
This campaign has been launched to get drivers into good habits before everyone hits the road for the summer travel season. In 2001, there were nearly 700 million long distance summer trips taken during the 16-weeks between Memorial Day and Labor Day, according to Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA). The average summer trip is nearly 300 miles away from motorists’ homes. One out of every 20 of these trips is more than 1,000 miles. About 90 percent of these trips are taken in personal vehicles. Half of these trips take place on Saturday and Sunday, causing seriously high risks for accidents on our roadways during the weekend. Drivers who are taking longer trips typically begin their ventures on Friday.
Regardless of where you’re going or how long you’re going for, it’s important that you plan ahead before heading out. Be sure that you know where you’re going, that you leave with plenty of time to spare, that you’ve mapped out your trip before getting on the road and that you keep your attention on the task at hand — arriving safely. Safe and responsible driving habits can help to turn your summer vacation into a safe one.
If you or someone you love has been injured or killed in an auto accident in Port St. Lucie, Hallandale Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, or elsewhere in the surrounding areas, the Fort Lauderdale personal injury attorneys at Freeman & Mallard are here to help you understand your rights and are ready to fight for the compensation you deserve. Call today to set up a free and confidential consultation, 1-800-561-7777.
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