
A Lead Foot Proves to Increase Risks of West Palm Beach Rollover Car Accidents

Speeding is a common cause of rollover accidents in West Palm Beach. WPTV reports about the recent fatal rollover accident that occurred on I-95 in West Palm Beach when a young man collided with a tractor-trailer. The driver causing the accident was traveling at a high rate of speed and lost control of his vehicle, which caused the vehicle to rollover following impact of hitting the large truck. The Boynton Beach man was thrown from his vehicle and died at the scene. The driver of the tractor-trailer sustained minor injuries.

Our car accident attorneys in Fort Lauderdale, Miami and West Palm Beach want to remind motorists that rollover accidents are among the deadliest types of accidents on the nation’s roads. If not death, then life-changing injuries like paralysis, severe head trauma, or internal injuries can result from a rollover accident.

Early this year we posted on our Fort Lauderdale Car Accident Attorney Blog about several common causes of rollover accidents Obstacles in the road like trees, ditches or curbs can ‘trip” the vehicle and cause it to rollover. Driving aggressively by speeding or changing lanes too fast can cause a rollover accident.

Another cause is failure to control your vehicle. Top heavy vehicles with a high center of gravity are also more likely to rollover in an accident than a lower center of gravity vehicle.

By next year, new regulations set forth by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration will require all new passenger vehicles to come equipped with electronic stability control (ECS). If loss of steering is sensed by the technology installed in the vehicle, brakes will automatically be applied. Maintaining better control should reduce the number of rollover accidents in the future.

Starting in 2013, automakers will need to start phasing in a new protection system or device in light trucks that prevents an unbelted passenger from moving more than 4 inches past the side window opening when a crash occurs. The U.S. Department of Transportation announced the rule for the new ejection mitigation system earlier this year and expects it will be fully implemented in all new model light trucks by 2018.

Even the best laid government plans and technologies won’t totally prevent rollover accidents from happening. However, if motorists slow down and remember to wear their seat belts at all times, it could prevent a serious or fatal injury in a rollover accident in South Florida.

If you have been injured in a rollover or other car-related accident in West Palm Beach, Margate or Fort Lauderdale, contact the personal injury attorneys at Freeman, Mallard, Sharp & Gonzalez, LLC. We represent victims and their families throughout South Florida so call for a free appointment to discuss your rights. Call 1-800-529-2368.

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